
Some options for accomodation in Zurich in different price ranges. Please note that with the exception of the film screening on wednesday evening and the conference dinner on thursday evening, HaPoC will take place on the Hönggerberg campus of ETH (see "Venue"). It is located in the northern part of Zurich. Hönggerberg is reachable from the hotels and guesthouses listed here within reasonable time, whereas accommodations in the southern districts of Zurich may imply longer commuting times to and from HaPoC.



Sorrell Hotel Rex, Weinbergstrasse 92, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland. Phone: +41 44 360 25 25. Around CHF 120.-/night. Located within 6 minutes walking distance of the station „Haldenegg“ of the eLink bus going to ETH Hönggerberg.

Hotel Marta, Zähringerstrasse 36, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland. Phone: +41 44 269 95 95. Around CHF 140.-/night. In the center of Zurich. Located within 10 minutes walking distance of the station „Unterführung Polyterrasse" of the eLink bus to ETH Hönggerberg.

Hotel Greulich, Herman-Greulich-Strasse 56, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland. Phone: +41 43 243 42 43. Around CHF 170.-/night.


Budget options:

Guesthouse Hermes, Limmattalstrasse 211, 8049 Zürich, Switzerland. Phone: +41 44 440 23 23. Around CHF 100.-/night. Close to ETH Hönggerberg.

Kafischnaps. Kornhausstrasse 57, 8037 Zürich, Switzerland. Phone: +41 43 538 81 16. Around CHF 100.-/night. Close to ETH Hönggerberg.

Gasthaus zum Guten Glück, Stationsstrasse 7, 8003 Zürich, Switzerland. Phone: +41 43 540 72 99. Around CHF 100.-/night.

Guesthouse Kalkbreite / Guesthouse Z. Around CHF 100.-/night.

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